Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And finally the letter for today! Yay!

And now from yesterday...

I'm waaay behind! Not for long....
Her'es from two days ago

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Here's yesterday's letter. I'm almost done with tonight's, but it may not get posted until tomorrow. All depends on if I have time to finish it early tonight or later.

Here's the letter from two days ago.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Here's today's letter. This is a topic I think I'd like to explore more in the future. Not in another letter; I don't want to write two letters on the same topic, but maybe somewhere else.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Here's tonight's.

So last night I went to a Do Make Say Think concert (which was amazing, by the way), and was too tired to post my letter when I got back. So here it is.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Tonight's letter.

I got another letter which was sent to an invalid address. Hopefully I will be able to send it out again soon.

I tell you, physics labs are going to be the death of me this semester.

Someone gave me the idea to send a stamp along with my letters, which I think I will try for 10 or so letters to see how it works out.

Here's yesterday's letter:

And today's letter:

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Yesterday's letter.

I went in a little different direction with this one. A while ago I heard a metaphor in a song, and I thought it deserved more than a line or two, so I wrote out an extended metaphor. I copied this into the letter I wrote. Hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Here's my next letter. This is a story from my early childhood, so I hope you all enjoy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sorry for being late again, but, uhh, I hate to sound like a broken record, but I wrote the letter too late and couldn't use the scanner.



Monday, September 10, 2007

On time!

Finally, a post that is on time (sort of)!

Today's letter, of course:

Also, something special: I still have not received any responses, but I did get a letter from one of my roommate's siblings. They were moved to write a letter by the concept and it was very well written, so here it is as well. I apologize for the ends of the words for getting cut off, but I think it is still readable. If not, then I can just rescan it.

If this letter makes much less sense than normal, then it is because I wrote it when I was very tired (5 minutes ago). Please try to bear with me this night.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Here it is

Here's the letter for yesterday. Sorry again for the delay.

Good letter, hope you agree

Hey. I have finished the letter for today (or I should say yesterday at this hour), but I can't post it yet, because I have to wait 'till tomorrow for the scanner again. Don't worry, it'll be here soon. I think it is one of my better ones, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Another late post

Sorry for another late post, but life's crazy sometimes, you know?

Friday, September 7, 2007


Sorry I didn't post last night but the scanner was unavailable to me. Here is yesterday's letter. Today's will be coming shortly, as I am about to sit down to write it.

Today I received my first Return to Sender. I'm going to try to send it back out. This has been my first experience with the outside world, in terms of this project, as of yet. Hopefully soon I'll get a response or two.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Here's today's letter.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Embarrassing story

This, I feel, was another good one. I'm pretty excited about sending this one off tomorrow. Hopefully the recipient will open it and read it, not send it back or throw it away.

Still no responses or send-backs or anything. Hopefully that means they got to the people, and they just don't want to write back as opposed to them rotting in the post office somewhere.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Today's letter, enjoy.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The promised letter:

Enjoy, folks.

I'm back

Here it is, the huge post that has been building up. Sorry again for the delay, but I think you will not be disappointed. I'm only posting the ones for the 30th and the 1st right now, as the one for today hasn't been written yet (I just got back 10 minutes ago). However, I know exactly what I want to write about, and am very excited to get this one finished. As soon as I am done, I will post it tonight.