Hi, welcome to hundredletters. Let me explain this project of mine:
I was sitting in my house the other day, reading the label on the back of a bottle of windex, because I was a bored college kid, and I guess that's the kind of thing bored college kids do. At least this one does. On the back, an address was listed for comments or questions anyone may have about the product, which led me to think of the person whose job it was to read all of those letters, and how boring or unrewarding such a job seems to me. I was then inspired to write a letter to this person. Not a letter about windex or their job, but one to give them something to read, to make their day stand out, one to cheer them up. I then realized that the person on the back of the windex bottle was the CEO of S.C. Johnson, which was not exactly the path I intended to go down. I then decided for 100 days I would write a single letter a day to a stranger. Here are the rules I will follow:
1. I will write 2 letters to each state. At the time of writing I have decided to start with Alabama and proceed alphabetically so my current progress is easier to keep track of (mostly for myself).
2. The people I write to must be complete strangers, people who I have never met. Also, I will write to people who are not commonly known in the public mind. This will also make the chances of a response much higher.
3. When I write to them, I will make an effort not to tell them about myself for most of the letter. I would rather talk about something more universal to humans.
4. The letters must be hand-written and unique, to a point.
I plan to post a scan of each of my letters as I complete them, and if I get responses, maybe some of those too, which personal information censored of course.