Friday, August 24, 2007

What a day...

I just completed the second letter. I'm actually pretty suprized I've made it this far. When I first thought of the idea, I half-expected to let it die like most of the others, but so far I've stuck with this one. I know, I've only written 2 out of 100 so far, but it's a start...

This letter was a little easier to write than the last. I found that if I stop trying to think of the perfect thing to say, and just start writing something, more like I were writing to a friend, the page fills up much faster, and more of my personality makes it onto the page. Then again, maybe I'm just crazy, which is what I'm sure these people are going to think when they get my letters. Here are the scans, I hope you enjoy.

Ooh, also, I plan to do a little publicity for this blog so I'm not just writing to myself. Hopefully I can get a few regular readers.

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